Wills, Estates & Trusts
Every adult should have a will.
If you own assets and have dependants and you want to ensure that your estate is distributed according to your own wishes, it is essential that you create a will to prevent your estate from falling into intestacy (meaning your estate falls to the default scheme of division afforded by B.C. law).
At Yetmans we are able to assist you with planning your estate. With our expertise in preparing wills, trusts, and related documents for thousands of individuals, including Canadian and international clients, we can ensure that your estate is in good hands.
We also assist with the creation of representation agreements and power of attorney documents to suit your need. If you want someone to assist you with your personal affairs when faced with the onset of mental incapacity, then it is imperative that you create one of these documents.
Whether you wish to create an enduring power of attorney, a representation agreement, or simply make a will, we can assist you through all steps of the process, through to probate and administration of the estate. At Yetmans we combine our detail-oriented approach and client focus to provide a will-drafting process that is simple to follow and allows for the creation of a will that fits your specific needs.
If you are interested in having us draft a will for you, we can facilitate this expeditiously with our streamlined and comprehensive process. Please email us at instruct@yetmanslaw.com, and we will begin to collect the appropriate information from you in a secure and private fashion.